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Random Bits Blog

Page history last edited by Brian K Toren 13 years, 2 months ago Saved with comment

July 27 2011

Death of Patents?



Dec 29, 2010

2011 Outlook: Economy Should Do Better Than Market Expects(Rog R)

2011 Outlook_ Economy Should Do Better Than Market Expects - Seeking Alpha.pdf


Why Do We Need Predictions? (Brian T)




Dec 25, 2010

For The New Year : Setting Goals Guidelines - THE S.M.A.R.T. system. (Rog R)



Dec 18, 2010

“Forward Osmosis could make water desalination cheaper and more energy efficient” – Startup Oasys featured in MIT Tech Review article – 15 Dec 2010 (David G) http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/12/forward-osmosis-could-make-water.html


“Lego Antikythera Mechanism” 3 minute video on YouTube (Brian T) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLPVCJjTNgk


“Google Maps The Human Body”  article by Alison Diana in Information Week, 17Dec 2010 – Google Maps for human anatomy (David K) http://www.informationweek.com/news/storage/virtualization/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=228800812&cid=RSSfeed_IWK_All


“Was It Really So Bad?” By Michael Elliott Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010 Time magazine article reviews global economy (Bob F) http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2032304_2032746_2035981,00.html


Forecast for Large Commercial Jet Transport – a market report by Forecast International projects the size of Airbus A320 to be 8,224 and Boeing 737 to by 10, 316 by 2019.  Fleet size greater than 10,000 for a specific model has not been observed since the DC 3.  (Bob F) – unable to locate a web reference


US Missile Defense Test Fails Again – (Roger R) www.globalsecuritynewswire.org/gsn/nw_20101217_4999.php


“Facebook's facial recognition knows who your friends are” online article By Helen A.S. Popkin, 16 Dec 2010 talks about “tag suggestions” resulting from facial recognition scans of others photos to recommend photos that are like photos in your catalog (David K) http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/12/16/5660488-facebooks-facial-recognition-knows-who-your-friends-are-



Dec 2, 2010

Dim Stars Triple the Universe’s Stellar Tally

sciencenewsAstronomers who examined eight relatively nearby galaxies have found evidence of a surprisingly high abundance of faint, low-mass stars — each has about 10 times as many as the Milky Way. Those elderly galaxies are so chock-full of faint stars that the researchers extrapolate that the heavens contain up to three times the total number of stars previously estimated. (Rog R)



Nov. 9, 2010

More Spatial Reasoning Teaching Urged

Spatial intelligence, a critical function, is not adequately measured nor taught, says Scientific American (Dick. S.) 



Nov. 7, 2010

UK Scientists Smash Lead Ions in Hadron Collider

Findings may help explain Big Bang Theory (Dick S.)



Nov. 6, 2010

Comet Photographed by Passing Spacecraft










Nov. 1, 2010

A Practical Case Study - Highway 35 Bridge Collapse

During May-2003 as a Minnesota FBI InfraGard Alliance Chapter liaison with Mn Department of Emergency Management (DEM), I facilitated a CRTK-USEPA Presponse Systems Thinking session that adapted Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) "Hoshin Planning Hazard Tree" Failure Mode & Effects Analysis.
Where CTRK = Community Right To Know federal regulations on transporting hazardous materials on interstate corridors (crossing inland waterways) ...




Oct. 30, 2010

Franconia to Study MN Copper Mining Site Potential

Franconia Minerals Corp., Spokane, WA, plans to study the potential for a copper/platinum-group metals mine

at Birch Lake, MN ... eight miles south of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA).

Having established a threshold minimum of 175 million tons of ore (indicated), the firm next will undertake an economic analysis of its holdings.

http://www.kitco.com/reports/KitcoNews20101027AS_franconia2.html  (Dick S.)


  • Knowledge Management Organizational Learning (KMOL) thinkLets

were adapted to empower ALL-WinWin Prairie Passage Flyway (I-35 Corridor)

Community Environmental Remediation Team Tutoring Tactics (CERT*3) that advocate Presponse Systems Thinking.

http://minnesotafuturist.pbworks.com/w/page/RCFL%3A-Regional-Computer-Forensics-Lab (Bob B)


Return to: DIKW ... End-Means ... MinnFuturists goals ... MNF Guidelines ... MNFuturists


Please Note: Do not paste entire articles anywhere in this website!


Please read :





 Bring your library into 21st century with PBworks online collaboration tools ... 

http://progressivesprogress.ning.com/photo/test-photo?context=latest (Rog R)


Oct. 29, 2010

What Small Business Technologies are you most interested in learning about?

http://polls.linkedin.com/poll-results/102520/yypgg (Bob B)


The cumulative impact of our collective Errors & Omissions (E&O) exceeds most
"smoking hole in the ground" operational continuity assurance scenarios ... BioERROR thinkLets

IAEM 58th Annual Conference

October 29, 2010 to November 4, 2010Hilton Palacio del Rio & Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

The IAEM Annual Conference provides a forum for current trends and topics, information about the latest tools and technology in emergency management and homeland security, and advances IAEM committee Organized by International Association of Emergency Managers | Type: conference


Oct. 27, 2010

Oil price at which fuel sources become economically viable ... wisdom



Oct. 22, 2010

Intel to Spend $8 Billion on 5 Plants

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 19 -- Intel Corp. announced plans to build a 22-nanometer chip factory in Oregon and upgrade four others --
two in Oregon and two in Chandler, AZ. to maintain its technology lead in semiconductors. 



Oct. 21, 2010

3M invests in Perceptive Pixel

Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal - by John Vomhof Jr.

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 6:06pm CDT
 3M Co. announced Thursday it has invested in Perceptive Pixel Inc., a developer of touch-screen control systems,

 through 3M's New Ventures business unit.

New York-based Perceptive Pixel was founded in 2006 by Jeff Han, a pioneer in so-called "multi-touch" technology — the ability to control a touch-screen interface or similar system using multiple points of contact.

The technology has gained widespread use both in consumer electronics, through devices like Apple's iPhone, and in the news media. CNN, for example, has used a multi-touch wall screen from Perceptive Pixel for election coverage.

Click here to see a 2006 demonstration by Han on YouTube.

Read more: 3M invests in Jeff Han's Perceptive Pixel | Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal (Dick S.)


Peter Drucker once said that “Innovation is the only competitive advantage a company really has,
because quality improvements and price reductions can be replicated, as can technology.
Therefore, if a company could have just one major capability, it should be innovation.”


Oct. 20, 2010

J Street Minnesota presents: “Achieving Two-States: Why the Security of Israel Depends On It”



  • Research focus on behavioral, cognitive and neural causes of generosity

http://minnesotafuturist.pbworks.com/w/page/Cultural-Mindshift (Bob B)


Oct. 18, 2010

Learn about Box.net's OpenBox platform(Rog R)



  • MentorshipART of Peace Hyperportal



Clay Shirky: Tapping Cognitive Surplus WFS.org (Bob B)



Oct. 17, 2010

(Bob B) Metadata Management with NO SQL :: http://bit.ly/dyYznC 

When: Wed October 20, 2010  8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Minneapolis, MN)

F1RST memetics :: Leadership Learning Collaboratory (LLCrew)



Oct. 16, 2010

  • Nanotechnology Education - nanohub.org - purdue university (Hank L.)


Google is testing cars that drive themselves - Over 140,000 miles drive in
CA by automation system - with human engineers along for the ride and to intervene ...

(Bill P) http://articles.cnn.com/2010-10-11/tech/google.testing.cars.mashable_1_google-android-google-products-human-error?_s=PM:TECH 




Thorium as alternative to uranium for nuclear power - (Roger) article "Obama could kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thorium" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/7970619/Obama-could-kill-fossil-fuels-overnight-with-a-nuclear-dash-for-thorium.html

more information (David K) at http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf62.html 

And http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/node/348/


(David K) http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=65139 includes video


Japan's (Freakily) Realistic Singing Humanoid Robot -

(David K) synthetic voice and humanoid form http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20019726-501465.html includes video


  • iRobot Demos 'Shape Shifting' Next-Gen Robots (David K)

http://www.pcworld.com/article/207944/irobot_demos_shape_shifting_nextgen_robots.html?tk=hp_new includes several videos


Oct. 15, 2010

Hoover Dam bypass bridge,
a symbol of American ingenuity (Dick S)



  • GlobalBrain MindShift evolves from memetics research



BioGeography mapXchange (High-TEK StoryChasers)



Oct. 14, 2010




Seeking innovative approaches to promoting community health

and development worldwide with the 2010 Out of the Box Prize.



Make sure you're up to date! (Bob B)


Oct. 13, 2010

Apple Teases OS X (Rog R)


Will OS X 10.7 "Lion" Be The King Of The Apple Jungle, The Last Of Its Kind, Or Both? http://ow.ly/19r5Ne 




Oct. 12, 2010

Augmented-reality (AR) applications (Rog R)



Oct. 11, 2010

Beyond Fossil Fuels :: 10 Forecasts ... Futures Methods

Articles in this series examine innovative attempts to reduce the world's dependence
on coal, oil and other carbon-intensive fuels, and the challenges faced. (Bob B)



Oct. 9, 2010

  • World Class Innovation website went live this week.  Please visit and send us comments. 

Your feedback is important. www.worldclassinnovation.com (David K)


Gen. James Jones will resign as President Barack Obama’s national security adviser

Without the words “acting” or “interim”, it is Tom Donilon as the new National Security Advisor.  
The dynamic between Defense Secretary Gates and Donilon, and between the Armed Services and Donilon, will bear watching.

http://blog.usni.org/2010/10/08/a-sea-change-at-the-national-security-council/ (Bob B)


Oct. 7, 2010

Added EARL as meme/tag for selected articles (Bob B)



Oct. 6, 2010

Social Network Analysis :: social engineering skills (KM/SE)

http://minnesotafuturists.pbworks.com/w/tags (Semantic Web)


http://futurethought.pbworks.com/Global-Commons (Reviews)


Oct. 5, 2010

MECC Edutainment Innovations 

Oregon Trail simulation imagineering (Bob B)



  • SEEKing ... Social Responsibility Pathfinders (Bob B)

Added: http://minnesotafuturist.pbworks.com/SRPathfinders 

via http://minnesotafuturists.pbworks.com/Swift-Trust-FAQ


Oct. 4, 2010 

Community Environmental Remediation Tutoring (CERT) (Bob B)

... we launched the Minnesota Industrial Security Awareness Council (MISAC)



  • DHS "National Cyber Security Alliance" USAtoday.com "stop-think-connect"



Oct. 2, 2010

Internet USAtoday.com "Cyberbullying" self-esteem suicide 2010 (Bob B)


FBI InfraGard NIPC "StuxNet Virus"

Art of Warfare: C4ISR NPS.gov


Oct. 1, 2010

2020 Visionaries Part V: Networks and Human Impulses (WFS)

StoryTech-i4CQuest "memetics research" hyperportals (Bob B)

@ http://www.desotoexplorer.com/weblogs/rjburkhart3/ inspired by


Sept. 30, 2010

Augmented reality comes to mobile phones (Bob B)


Sept. 28, 2010

Future Cars are Efficiency Guzzlers (Rog R)



WFS Persistent Conversations: Facilitated Thinking Environments (Bob B)

NatGeo Emerging Explorers: Jerry Glover, Agroecologist (Bob B)



Sept. 27, 2010 

An American in Paris Says Au Revoir to His Laptop (Rog R)


Backcasting: http://essdackartsnacks.ning.com/profiles/blogs/moving-to-the-cloud (Kevin H)


Sept. 24, 2010

Science and technology

The Stuxnet worm

  • Dx: A cyber-missile aimed at Iran?

http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2010/09/stuxnet_worm#comments (Roger R)

  • Rx: Inter-regional DHS/FBI InfraGard Alliance Collaboratories ...

http://minnesotafuturists.pbworks.com/SCADA-CyberSecurity-Threats  (Bob B)


Sept. 23, 2010 

  • Eco-Futures Forum "Visual Thinking" neuroscapes


  • MFS Critical Thinking (RJB-Rev #10)



Sept. 22, 2010

Book mention

Last Saturday, I mentioned a book, John Lash's "The Yin of Tai-Chi: Tao, Tai-Chi, and the Mysterious Female"

The title misleads, it's a book about the use of Philosophical Taoism as a "how to live" guide. 

I want to say it's Rod McKuen-ish, but it's much less sweet, and I wish I'd read it 50 years ago.


Sept. 20, 2010

Quantum Computing Advance

Optical chip conducts "quantum walk" with two photons for first time at

U. of Bristol, UK. Faster processing speeds foreseen. (Dick S.)



Sept. 18, 2010

Gates' Nuclear Reactor Concept Would Use Spent Fuel

Talks held with Toshiba on further development and production of 1MW "traveling wave" unit.

Good example of possible creative destruction. (Dick S.)



Sept. 16, 2010

Boeing Proposes Tourist Space Capsule

Would carry 4 passengers and 3 astronauts on trips to International Space Station by 2015.

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/16/science/space/16nasa.html?_r=1&hpw=&pagew  (Dick S.)


Sept. 11, 2010

Which  global futures studies perspectives shifted since 9/11/2001?


Sept. 10, 2010

Douglas Schuler

It's Time to Work for a Better Internet



Sept. 5, 2010

Nion Microscope Can See Atoms

http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2012821035_microscope06m.html (Dick S.)


Methods and Approaches of Futures Studies   


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Futures_techniques (Bob B: Circa 2006)


Science and Technology - Pioneering

Complete description: Acclaimed neuroscientist Christof Koch is renowned ...
Other materials on this topic: quantum healing mind body medicine health ...
http://sci-tech.ws/index.html?key=Pioneering&page=5 (Bob B.)


How Much Is Left? The Limits of Earth's Resources (great graphics)

http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=interactive-how-much-is-left (Rog R)




August 28, 2010

Start Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle, by Dan Senor and Saul Singer 4Nov09 320 pg (Bill P)



Hamlet's Blackberry, a new book by William Powers, discussed on NPR last week -

discusses how humanity has faced information overload in several previous periods (David K)



Robert Stephen's Blog - founder of Geek Squad and now CTO of Best Buy

spoke during same interview on Hamlet's Blackberry - offers regular tech futures insights via his blog (David K)



futurethinktank - An innovation consultants blog (David K)

http://futurethinktank.com/ & http://www.getfuturethink.com/index.php/Newsletter.html (Bob B)


China Plans for Nuclear Power, 153 plants with lower cost resulting from fixed design and non-unique parts - (David G)






August 14, 2010

Biggest Tidal Turbine Unveiled

http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/13/the-prince-of-tides-a-mammoth-turbine/ (Dick S)


Net Neutrality: Need We Really Be Concerned? (Dick S) http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-whats-missing-from-all-the-net-neutrality-blather-nothing-bad-is-going-to-happen-if-net-neutrality-dies-2010-8 


Airbus Concept Airliner Sketch

http://www.cnngo.com/explorations/airbus-concept-plane-future-commercial-flight-638169?TrackID=obpaid (Dick S)


China Signs to Take Half Output of New Alaska Gold Mine

First Agreement for Gold by China with American Firm (Dick S)


First Wind Energy Storage Battery Works in SW MN

Xcel Encouraged by Early Results at Luverne Wind Farm (Dick S)



August 7, 2010

MedCottage by N2Care - prefab mobile roomset for on-site elder care with lots of assistive technology (David K)

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2010/07/19/ST2010071904054.html  also

ASAP Architectural Solutions for the Aging Population by Larson and Shores Architects (David K) http://www.larsonshoresarch.com/asap.htm and

FabCab: The aging boomers prefab (David K) http://fabcabins.com/


Pictorial Census of Marine Life (David K) http://www.coml.org/image-gallery 


4P medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventative, Participatory) reviewed in article "The Gene Healer: an interview with Leroy Hood" by Pamela Weintraub in Discover Magazine July/Aug 2010 issue pp 72-73 http://discover.coverleaf.com/discovermagazine/20100708?pg=74#pg74 (full article) 


ClearWire to bring 4G cell service for $9.95/mo to Grand Rapids, MI with WiMax (Roger) also coming to Plymouth, MN following Brooklyn Park, MN - cell and data service for about $25 - $30/month - additional information at "Sprint, Clearwire Expand WiMAX Footprint" http://www.phoneplusmag.com/news/2010/08/sprint-clearwire-expand-wimax-footprint.aspx 


ATS Medical shareholders agree to merger with Medtronic for $350 million (Aug 6) - (Duane C.) article in Twin City Business Journal http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/stories/2010/08/02/daily36.html 


August 6, 2010 (geoWIZard)

FCC pushes "reset button" on net neutrality ,,,

* http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2010-04-06-net-neutrality_N.htm

** http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/technology/2010-08-05-fcc-net-neutrality_N.htm


WFS-Beta Members Sidebar: Google and Verizon have gone public with a joint policy framework
that will have enormous ramifications for the future of the Internet as we know it.

*** http://www.scribd.com/doc/35599242/Verizon-Google-Legislative-Framework-Proposal 


August 5, 2010

Modular Vacation Homes Gallery

(As opposed to naturally grown homes discussed last week-- Dick S.)



August 4, 2010

Clearwire iSpot: pictures, specs & details (Remote Wifi via 4G WiMax)




July 7, 2010

BP Gulf oil blowout still gushes Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Chloride, Sulfur Dioxide. Chris Landau geologist



July 5, 2010

"HISTORICAL and FUTURE PERSPECTIVES on WAR and PEACE" a new essay by Bill Peter

Two more essays by Bill Peter

Ten Million New Jobs - Bill Peter 04jul10.doc

A new STRATEGIC ANALYSIS on the Mail and Package Delivery Market - Bill Peter 06jul10.doc


June 19, 2010

Scientists Develop Stem Cell Banks MIT Technology Review     (Dick S.) 



June 16, 2010

Consona Buys Cloud ERP Vendor Compiere



June 14, 2010

Ebola Cured in Monkeys - National Geographic

Postexposure protection of non-human primates against a lethal Ebola virus challenge with RNA interference: a proof-of-concept study - The Lancet

NanoViricides Reports that Significant Efficacy was Achieved in Initial Studies on Dengue Virus - Yahoo Finance


June 12, 2010

Texas Congressmen Call for Electromagnetic Pulse Guns on the Border - Popular Science

Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitor Goes Portable - MDDI Magazine

More Efficient Sensors Could Lead to Advances in Crime Scene Forensics, Medical Diagnostics - Daily Tech

Passive House In The Woods


June 05, 2010

Planetary Paparazzi - 10 views of Earth from SciAm (David K)



The Business of Smart Grid (David K) 9 am - 4 pm,  June 9 $35




May 29, 2010 

Jupiter Loses a Belt (for now)

http://www.tgdaily.com/space-features/49737-one-of-jupiters-belts-disappears (Dick S)


May 22, 2010

Venter Creates First Synthetic Self-Replicating Bacteria from Scratch


New Manufacturing Methods and Materials:

http://nextbigfuture.com/2008/06/seeds-of-new-manufacturing-revolution.html New Mfg Revolution


http://reprap.org/wiki/WebHome printer which may be able to reproduce itself?      video

http://www10.mcadcafe.com/nbc/articles/          and search for 

  "Dimension uPrint Personal 3D Printer Introduced"      


February 09, 2009          Rapid Prototyping

http://www.bizjournals.com/triad/othercities/albuquerque/stories/2010/02/08/smallb1.html?b=1265605200^2841521&s=industry&i=manufacturing   3 D Printing

http://nextbigfuture.com/2008/08/caterpillar-inc-funds-viterbi-print.html  Printing Concrete


http://www.news.illinois.edu/news/10/0414origami.html   Printing Origami - Metals


http://fabbaloo.com/blog/2009/11/7/more-glass-3d-printing-experiments.html Glass

http://www.gizmag.com/cornucopia-digital-gastronomy-3d-food-printer/13873 Food Products

Did I hear my dentist say that he can now print ceramic crowns, using a computer controlled sensor and printing system?                         David Grider


May 15, 2010

State of Metropolitan America - an interactive map from Brookings Institute (David K) http://www.brookings.edu/metro/StateOfMetroAmerica/Map.aspx#/?subject=7&ind=70&dist=0&data=Number&year=2008&geo=metro&zoom=0&x=0&y=0 

New catalyst for splitting water - nickel borate (David K) http://web.mit.edu/press/2010/nocera-paper.html 

DNA Assembly Line - (David K) http://www.rdmag.com/News/2010/05/General-Science-Chemistry-DNA-Assembly-Line-To-Help-Create-Nanoscale-Materials/


May 9, 2010

Betty White to host Saturday Night Live as a result of Facebook campaign after Superbowl commercial for Snickers (Roger R) http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20350436,00.html 

Kaboom - New Republic article by Steve LeVine 13May10 pp12-14 - "fracking" - shale gas drilling boom may increase US reserves of natural gas (Bob F) http://www.tnr.com/article/kaboom 

Planet Doom - New Republic article on apocalyptic scenarios (Bob F) http://www.tnr.com/article/planet-doom 

Cupitino - new dating site for Apple product fans coming in June (David K) http://www.inquisitr.com/71919/new-apple-dating-site-culls-pc-users-from-the-dating-pool/ 

Cupertino 2 - Scientific City based on Silicon Valley model, planned for Skolkovo, Russia, near Moscow (Bob F) http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-04/russia-plans-scientific-city-modeled-silicon-valley 

White Castle Candle promises 'bed of onions' aroma (Ron M) http://consumerist.com/2010/05/white-castle-candle-promises-bed-of-onions-aroma-1.html 

New Metamaterials Device May Lead to See-Through Cameras and Scanners - report on Richard Averett, Boston Univ work on TeraHertz (THz) devices (David) http://www.electroiq.com/index/display/nanotech-wire-news/144601899.html and backstory at http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/04/080415185016.htm

HP DesignJet 3D printer (built by Stratasys in Twin Cities) on sale on Europe for about $15,000.  (David K) http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-04/hp-prints-three-dimensions-release-designjet-3d   

Is it Really Back on Track? - article from The Economist on Middle East peace process (Roger R) http://www.economist.com/world/middle-east/displaystory.cfm?story_id=16015423 

CleanTech Open comes to Minnesota - start-up business plan competition - North Central Region competition in progress, part of national expansion of the program (David K) http://www.cleantechopen.com/app.cgi/content/home/index 



April 30, 2010

N.D. Industrial Commission estimates possible reserves in Three Forks-Sanish shale oil formation underneath Bakken field at 1.9 billion barrels. (Dick S.)


April 24, 2010

Panoramic view of Victoria crater on Mars (Ron M)



Skinput - touch based input system prototype from Microsoft developed by Carnegie Mellon grad student - watch the short video (David K) http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/04/19/microsoft.skinput/ 


Really detailed poster of US Budget for 2011 - zoomable image (David K)



Universal packaging material for UPS - premarked and scored card board (David K)



Interesting collection of Visualization Methods organized into a Periodic Table (David K)



April 23, 2010 Test flight of X37 B unmanned - robotic - shuttle (Dick S.)



April 17, 2010  Ted has done it again.  The ideas are science, medicine, food, and US Society.  (David G.) 



April 16, 2010 The Bloom Box Bloom Energy. (Dale S.)


April 10, 2010

Eco Coke Bottle (David K) http://designfabulous.blogspot.com/2010/03/eco-coke-bottle-design.html 

Whiteyboard (portable repositionalbe whiteboard) (David K) http://www.whiteyboard.com/ 

IO Turing Machine - short video of a hobbyist construction project (David K) http://aturingmachine.com/index.php 

pCubee - a virtual 3D display box - short video (David K) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89OoXyuxTLM 

Sony 360 degree TV concept demonstration Oct 09 - short video (David K) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAS55_RngoQ&NR=1&feature=fvwp 

Finger Vein Vending - short video from Japan, Hitachi + Coke - buy a soda with a finger scan - not fingerprint but rather infrared scan of the unique pattern of veins in the finger tip (David ) http://www.japantrends.com/finger-pulse-vending-machine-e-money-at-your-fingertips/ 

"Time to Rebalance" - article on US Economy from The Economist magazine (Bob F) http://www.economist.com/specialreports/displaystory.cfm?story_id=15793036 

"Energetic Progress" article on US Energy - gasoline consumption peaked in 2007, airline fuel peaked in 2000, article from the Economist magazine (Bob F) http://www.economist.com/specialreports/displaystory.cfm?story_id=15793084&CFID=119711606&CFTOKEN=64862616 

"The Next 100 Million: America in 2050" new book by Joel Kotkin (Bob F) http://www.joelkotkin.com/content/0091-next-hundred-million-america-2050 

Hunting the Edge of Space Series on PBS - first episode "The Giant Telescopes of Tomorrow" TV program available online (Ron M) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/telescope/giant.html 

2 million year old fossils - newly discovered fossils in Africa reported this week (Roger R) http://articles.latimes.com/2010/apr/09/science/la-sci-hominid9-2010apr09 


April 4, 2010

Two excellent books by futurist Vaclav Smil, a Distinguished Professor at the  University of Manitoba (published by the MIT Press):

Global Catastrophes and Trends - The Next Fifty Years (2008)

Energy at the Crossroads - Global Perspectives and Uncertainties (2003)          David G.


April 3, 2010

Interesting white paper on Biofuels (3.9MB):


Particularly the graphic on page 13 showing land use with different feedstocks.  David G.





 CREATIVE NONFICTION  held a one-day symposium that focused on how writing, reading, and

publishing may be transformed in the decade ahead.


The bulk of the conference focused on how writers fit into this future,

a time when people may be reading fewer books but communicating with

one another and, yes, reading via a wider variety of platforms--e.g.,

blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and the multimedia digital Vook (video book).


One conclusion: writers of the future will bear more of the responsibility of reaching

their audiences, as publishers' economic models become less supportive

of traditional functions like marketing and promotion. The good news is that there are more

innovative new ways of doing-it-yourself, like building a community of

supporters around an author's blog.


As long as the written word is still valued (whether it is ultimately

read, viewed, or listened to by the audience), writing has a future.


DETAILS: CREATIVE NONFICTION, http://www.creativenonfiction.org/

(Dick S.) futuristupdate@wfs.org


March 30, 2010 - Disappearing car doors from JATECH - very impressive video - maybe not practical for the "skateboard chassis" auto model though.  (Dick S, with comments by David K) http://www.flixxy.com/high-tech-car-door.htm 


Rumors flying about a new 4G iPhone version for Verizon (based on CMDA technology used by VZ, rather than xxx used by AT&T) for release this summer     (David K) http://www.i4u.com/article32238.html 


March 30, 2010

Quantum properties observed in real world (David K)



Gravity Emerges from Quantum Information - very interesting theory (David K)



Artificial Leaf - Mimic nature in the pursuit of sunlight to energy conversion - progress (David K) http://www.rdmag.com/News/2010/03/Materials-Energy-Blueprint-for-artificial-leaf-mimics-Mother-Nature/  


March 27, 2010

MENSA members top 50 websites (David K)



Current State of Twitter - great infographic (David K)



An eco-friendly pen from dba - biodegradable shell from renewable source and non-toxic ink with pronounceable ingredients (David K)



FlyFire - 3D self-self organizing mini helicopters for light shows from MIT (David K)



3D Cloaking demonstrated on a really small scale (David K)



Apple iPhone App called Line 2 - a second line option (HTom T)



Tata Nano - low cost minicar from India suffering from spontaneous combustion troubles (Bob F)


and many others - search "Tata Nano fire"


Moxi?/Moxy?/MoXie? - software to save online videos to your computer (HTom T) {Sorry HTom - unsure about this link

http://www.smalll.nl/VUMC/REV/MoXie/Downloads.htm) - David K - I did find a number of options for "video capture from youtube" in searches}


Smart power meters can be hacked and remotely controlled. Today's Strib (Dale S)


A California company, Organovo, is shipping a 3D printer that can produce organs. Today's Strib (Dale S)


March 26, 2010

As much as 1% of the Internet now on IPV6


This week, the IETF is holding its 77th meeting in Anaheim, California. Last year around this time, the IETF met in San Francisco, and the Internet Society took advantage of this large gathering of Internet engineers to promote IPv6 and tell us that that it's high time to trade in the dusty 1980s Internet Protocol for the shiny 1995 version. Tuesday, the news was that people are actually starting to heed the advice.

Geoff Huston of APNIC, the registry that gives out IP addresses in the Asia-Pacific region, looked at various numbers that could tell us how much traction IPv6 is gaining. One metric that's easy to observe is the global routing table. After all, if you want people to reach your IP addresses, you'll have to tell them what those addresses are so packets can be routed in the right direction. This is done with the BGP routing protocol. 

Currently, there are more than 322,500 IPv4 address ranges announced in BGP, and 2,770 IPv6 address ranges. However, because of the need to conserve IPv4 addresses, ISPs get small IPv4 blocks and frequently have to come back for more. Meanwhile, they can get a single, huge IPv6 block all at once, making this an apples-to-oranges comparison.

(there's much more, many, many ways of measuring are discussed in the article.-- htom)


March 26, 2010

Duluth Vies for Wind Turbine Plant

Duluth officials and Minnesota lawmakers hope to attract an unnamed wind turbine manufacturer and more than 1,300 jobs to northeastern Minnesota with a mixture of tax-increment financing, JOBZ measures and grants.

One portion of that is $12.7 million in tax breaks included in a Minnesota House jobs bill that could be voted on this weekend.

The stakes are high: The European company has narrowed the number of prospective sites for its North American headquarters to Duluth and Ohio, an industrial state that also eager to host the project.

“This is an opportunity we’ve been working on for the past 10 months,” said Duluth Mayor Don Ness, who addressed the House Taxes Committee earlier this week to ask that the tax credit provisions be included in the House jobs bill.

Ness said that the Duluth-based Area Partnership for Economic Expansion, a group of private industrial interests, has spent more than $200,000 to assemble a package of incentives to lure the wind turbine maker.

Ness said the city of Duluth, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, and Iron Range Resources also have contributed to the effort to attract the wind turbine maker.

Landing the development would be a coup for Duluth, where the North American headquarters and nacelle factory (which includes enclosures for mechanical equipment atop wind turbine towers) would be manufactured. The  Head.uarters and nacelle factory would create about 600 jobs. In addition, a wind turbine blade manufacturing plant would be built in another range city, employing up to 700


20 Mar, 2010 

Top 50 VC Funded Greentech Startups = Interesting Reading - David G


The Dynamic Periodic Table - a nice interactive tool (David K) http://www.ptable.com 

Augmented Reality - several videos (David K) http://www.tinmith.net/ 

Minnesota Idea Open - Newly opened innovation competition from Minnesota Community Foundation (David K) http://www.mnideaopen.org/ 

Large Hadron Collider News (Brian T) http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9173658/Large_Hadron_Collider_smashes_another_speed_record 

Book Recommendations: (Bob F)

    "The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives" by Leonard Mlodinow - http://www.amazon.com/Drunkards-Walk-Randomness-Rules-Lives/dp/0375424040 

    "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine" by Michael Lewis http://www.amazon.com/Big-Short-Inside-Doomsday-Machine/dp/0393072231 

Zodiacal Light - Astronomy Picture of the Day for 20 March 2010 (Tom T) http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ 


19 Mar, 2010 Local view: Nukes not safe at any speed



14 Mar, 2010 Wall Street: Inside the Collapse

Author Tells "60 Minutes" What Led to Wall Street Collapse and Who Predicted It



9 Mar, 2010 Google isn't lost in translation (Roger R)

It's just the latest technological field that the Silicon Valley computing giant decided to revolutionize



5 Mar, 2010 Collection of short physics videos (David K)



New Zealand inventors DIY hovercraft (David K)



100 Incredible Lectures for History Lovers (David K) http://www.associatesdegree.com/2010/01/20/100-incredible-lectures-for-history-lovers/


Researchers create new antimatter (David K)



3D TV: Lets Count The Ways - article from Electronic Design 11Feb10 issue pg 59 on variety of technical approaches for 3D TV (C. Smith) 



25 Feb, 2010

Latest on nextbigfuture (Ulrich Bonne)


14 Feb, 2010 

The Real Reason for Iran - US conflict. - (Roger R)


13 Feb, 2010  

iPhone workaround for cold weather - (David K) -


Info Graphics - interesting data displays (David K) -  


State of the Internet - simple graphics (David K) -


"The Power of Many" by Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay and announced candidate for Governor of California

   (Bill P) - http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780307591210

  Wearable Gestural Interface - The Sixth Sense - recommend video on YouTube from Pranav Mistry MIT Media Lab   (J Zitek) 

http://www.pranavmistry.com/projects/sixthsense/   also

via TED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUdDhWfpqxg  

"Crash Proof 2.0" by Peter D. Schiff, 2009 update [passed around the meeting] (Dick S)   



06 Feb, 2010

"Start-up runns out of time, cash" article by Janet Moore Star-Tribune pg D2 - Disc Dynamics shutting down after $65 million invested but failed to get FDA approval (Duane C) http://www.startribune.com/business/83690312.html


Job losses since WWII - (HTom T) see http://www.caclulatedriskblog.com - have to search around, but try http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/search/label/Employment


Roger R. recommends Feb 2010 issue of Wired magazine for articles on

  1) nano manufacturing pp 58-67 and 105-106

  2) ala carte television - article by Catherine Dibenedetto pg 39

  3) new bullet trains - article by James Glave and Rachel Swaby pp 74-81


Killing Cancer with Nanobubbles at Rice University from R&D magazine online (David K) 



Carbon nanotubes coated on paper used to quickly detect toxins in water - from Small Times (David K)  http://www.electroiq.com/index/display/nanotech-article-display/2449328402/articles/small-times/nanotechmems/research-and_development/universities/2010/february/cnts_-paper_detec.html


"IBM's latest graphene transistor breaks 100 GHz barrier" article from R&D magazine online (David K)     



29 Jan, 2010

Education Futures Timeline 1647-2045 - Intersting forecasts (David K)



The Apple iPad overview - A nice pictoral look at this new device. (David K)



Journal of Serendipitous and Unexpected Results -

Call for papers for inaugural issue - Perhaps a model for Futurics?  (David K)  http://jsur.org/


Strange Google Search Results - When searching 241543903 in Google Images, you get pictures of people putting

  their heads in freezers (David K) http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&um=1&sa=1&q=241543903&btnG=Search&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&start=0


President to cancel NASA plans for moon base by 2020 (Dick S)



Class War - How Public Servants Became Our Masters by Steven Greenhut for Reason Feb 2010 issue (Roger R)



Spirit - a cartoon from XKDC (H Tom T) http://xkcd.com/695/


A Guide to Davos - A Special Report from the Financial Times from Print edition 27jan10 (Roger R) http://www.ft.com/reports/davos-2010


How to Bypass Populism and Tackle Banking - article by Arthur Levitt from print edition 26jan10 pg11 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/7a7bfa28-0a1a-11df-8b23-00144feabdc0,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2F7a7bfa28-0a1a-11df-8b23-00144feabdc0.html&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ft.com%2Fsearch%3FsortBy%3Dgadatetimearticle%26queryText%3Darthur%2Blevitt%26aje%3Dtrue%26y%3D0%26x%3D0 (free registration required)


Humor - breakdown of the word Politics - poli = many + tics = blood sucking bugs (Brian T) 


28 Jan, 2010

Attended Annual Meeting for Northeren Technologies International - Company presented compostable plastic bags and bottles as well as drill bit hardness coatings.  CEO G. Patrick Lynch, Company established 1970, Lino Lakes, MN (Duane C) www.ntic.com


24 Jan,2010

50th Anniversary of the Laser - as reported by Curt Suplee of the Washington Post, printed in Star Tribune pg A8 24jan10 edition (David K) Global Party at http://www.laserfest.org/


Retail Health Clinics: A Prognisis - by Christopher Snowbeck, St. Paul Pioneer Press pg D1, D4 24jan10 editions (David K) chart data follows

Price Check - 2009 Study by Annals of Internal Medicine compared cost per episode for similar services in diffferent care settings:

Retail Clinic          $110,

Doctor's Office     $166,

Urgent Care         $156,

Emergency Room $570

Growth Stalls - Merchant Medicine LLC reports halt in growth rate of retail health clinics:

Year end 2005 Total Clinics 1   30 Annual Growth Rate -,

Year end 2006 Total Clinics    351 Annual Growth Rate 170%,

Year end 2007 Total Clinics    901 Annual Growth Rate 157%,

Year end 2008 Total Clinics 1,175 Annual Growth Rate 30%,

Year end 2009 Total Clinics 1,183 Annual Growth Rate 1%.

Link to text, minus images at http://www.twincities.com/ci_14249654?source=most_emailed


Jan 23, 2010

BBC video "Secret Life of Chaos" about 60 minutes in 6 parts (David K)



NASA's One-Man Stealth Copter (concept simulation) (David K)



• Webinar Announced - "A Study of Nanotechnology Commercialization Trends In the US Manufacturing Industry" Hosted by Soc. Mfg Engr (SME), Presented by Dr. Manish Mehta National Center for Manufacturing Sciences 03Feb10 at 1 pm.  FREE REGISTRATION (David K)   Jan 18, 2010 Make Your Own Star Trek Phaser - diagrams and 30 sec. video (David K) •http://www.comicsalliance.com/2010/01/18/make-your-own-star-trek-phaser/   Jan 20, 2010

Saltwater Biomass?

Boeing, Etihad Airways, Honeywell's UOP subsidiary, and the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi will team up to develop "sustainable energy solutions" using integrated saltwater agricultural systems to support the development and commercialization of biofuel sources for the aviation and co-products industries.


Masdar, an affiliate of MIT, will provide laboratory and demonstration facilities in and near Masdar City, which aims to be the world's first zero-carbon city.

The partnership said saltwater will be used "to create an aquaculture-based seafood farming system in parallel with the growth of mangrove forests and salicornia, a plant that thrives in salty conditions." The "closed-loop" 2-sq.-km. system will produce an "affordable, nutrient-rich" fertilizer that will aid in the production of biomass that can be used to create aviation biofuel and other products. "Developing low-cost, nonpetroleum fertilizers is one of the keys to achieving genuine carbon emissions reductions from any biofuel source," the group said.

Air Transport World http://www.atwonline.com/news/other.html?issueDate=1%2F20%2F2010  (Dick S.)


Jan 18, 2010

'200 Bank Failures Expected in 2010*  by Martin D. Weiss,

Washington has so thoroughly botched its supervision of the banking industry that 200 banks are likely to fail this year — easily surpassing last year's 140 bank failures ... inevitably involving the greatest bank losses in history ... and already costing the FDIC *ten times* more than the great S&L and banking crisis of the 1980s did.



Jan 18, 2010

The US Commodities Futures Trading Commission last week proposed to set position limits for futures and option contracts in the major energy markets in a move hailed by the Air Transport Assn.

CFTC moves to limit speculation in energy markets 


Jan 11, 2010

Conways "Game of Life" early example of Chaotic systems is now available as an application for Googles -

iGoogle personalized home page (David K) ref to G. Kubik presentation series Jan 2 and Feb 6 



Jan 9, 2010

Nano-cocktail approach to target cancer - MIT, UCSD, UCSB http://www.physorg.com/news181837761.html and http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9143286/Researchers_Nano_cocktail_could_target_kill_cancerous_tumors (David K)


Nano dragster developed at Rice University - James Tour shows a step toward nanomachines. (David K) 



The Burj opens in Dubai - video review by The Daily Show  (David K)



The RetroEncabulator - just good humor (David K)



Bill Moyers Interview with David Corn & Kevin Drum of Mother Jones (Ron M)



Jan. 2, 2010

Session reference: Deep Simplicity by John Gribbin. Dale S. 

Last week I mentioned that superconductors had been showing up more than usual.  Here are some of the links: 

NextBigFuture.com  -  transmission system wiring




MIT Technology Review:



NextBigFuture.com  -  superconductor motor for the Navy - comparable power, 1/3rd weight, 1/8th size


http://nextbigfuture.com/2009/01/365-megawatt-superconducting-motor.html   David G.



Random Bits Blog 2009


Visitors since 10/4/09: 



NASA's Deep Impact "EPOXI" mission reported a very successful flyby of the comet Hartley 2 on Thursday. The probe passed 435 miles overhead of the primordial snowball at 27,000 miles-per-hour.




NASA's Deep Impact "EPOXI" mission reported a very successful flyby of the comet Hartley 2 on Thursday. The probe passed 435 miles overhead of the primordial snowball at 27,000 miles-per-hour.


Comments (8)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 5:45 am on Sep 6, 2010

DNSnag ... http://minnesotafuturists.pbworks.com/Virtual-Team-thinkLets
:: Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 10:35 am on Sep 6, 2010

To resolve this DNSnag, I used Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> Exceptions & added this PBWorks domain …

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:13 am on Dec 27, 2010

ACCTTS-LLC Malware Alert: The website at www.topachievement.com contains elements from the site id-tester.info, which appears to host malware – software that can hurt your computer or otherwise operate without your consent. Just visiting a site that contains malware can infect your computer.

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 3:17 am on Dec 27, 2010

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 4:03 am on Dec 27, 2010

Where cited ... "Social Network Analysis - knowledge management skills" search for:

[256 Hits] LinkedIn "FutureThought"

>> August 2005 — Present (5 years 5 months)
To explore and better understand the effects of the integration of social competence and systems thinking
in the present classroom curriculum in order to further the development of the whole student.<<

[66 Hits] LinkedIn "MinnesotaFuturists" @ http://bit.ly/euobVf

[59 Hits] LinkedIn "MinnesotaFuturist"

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 7:19 am on Dec 30, 2010

Chrome OS doesn't use any other underlying operating system, such as Windows or alternative Linux-branded OSes. It connects directly to the Web. For that reason, Chrome OS could turn out to be a potential Windows killer. @ http://futurethought.pbworks.com/w/page/34298417/Google-Chrome-OS-Notebook

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 9:59 am on Jan 5, 2011

What "value-added" innovations or insights has the Minnesota Futurists "Community of Practice" brought to this knowledge management (organizational learning) domain?

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 10:29 am on Jan 9, 2011

PBworks Capacity Management "current reality" metrics :: Used 312 MB (0.3046875 GB) of 10 GB (10240 MB)
Convert MB to GB - Conversion of Measurement Units
Quickly convert megabytes into gigabytes (MB to GB)
using the online calculator for metric conversions and more.

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