
Test Page - Center for Collective intelligence

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Syllabus for Collective intelligence



We has met the ENEMY & they is US!


**From Massachusetts Institute of Technology Web Page


Collective intelligence has existed for at least as long as humans have. Tribes of hunter-gatherers, nations, and modern corporations all act collectively with varying degrees of intelligence. But this ancient phenomenon is now occurring in dramatically new forms. For example:


* Google uses the knowledge millions of people have stored in the World Wide Web to provide remarkably useful answers to users' questions

* Wikipedia motivates thousands of volunteers around the world to create the world's largest encyclopedia

* Innocentive lets companies easily tap the talents of the global scientific community for innovative solutions to tough R&D problems


With new communication technologies-especially the Internet-huge numbers of people all over the planet can now work together in ways that were never before possible in the history of humanity. It is thus more important than ever for us to understand collective intelligence at a deep level so we can create and take advantage of these new possibilities.


That is the goal of the newly-named MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.


One way of framing the basic research question is:

How can people and computers be connected so that-collectively-they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers have ever done before?


With its combination of expertise in computer science, brain sciences, and management, MIT is uniquely suited to address this question. To take advantage of these diverse capabilities, the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence involves faculty from many parts of MIT: Sloan School of Management, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Media Laboratory, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and Leadership Center.


Types of research needed

We believe that many companies and other groups will be creating new forms of collective intelligence in the coming years. We also believe that research universities like MIT can provide important contributions to this endeavor by:


(a) collecting and distilling the results of experience from the real-world "experiments" many people will be trying

(b) experimenting with innovative new techniques to advance the state-of-the-art

(c) conducting rigorous scientific research to find the reliable patterns underlying subjective anecdotes and accidental successes or failures, and

(d) developing theoretical frameworks to help understand all these things


How can the results of research on collective intelligence be used?


A primary application of all this research will be to help use new information technologies solve old problems in new ways. For example, the Center has current or proposed projects dealing with the following business and societal problems:


* How can large groups of people produce high quality written documents? For instance, how can the lessons of Wikipedia be applied to other groups and other kinds of documents? What kinds of technologies and motivational structures are needed?


* How can groups of people make accurate predictions of future events? For instance, in prediction markets, people buy and sell predictions about uncertain future events, and the prices that emerge in these markets are often better predictors than opinion polls or individual experts. When and how do these prediction markets work best? How can they be combined with simulations, neural nets, and other techniques?


* How can we harness the intelligence of thousands of people around the world to help solve the problems of global climate change? For instance, how can we use innovative combinations of computer-based simulations and explicit representation of argumentation to help people identify and analyze different policy alternatives?


* How can we create an on-line, searchable library of books from many languages and historical eras? For instance, how can we harness a combination of human and machine intelligence to recognize the images of words in these books?


* How can we help create commercially sustainable products and services for low-income communities around the world? For instance, how can we use cutting-edge technology to help a world-wide network of entrepreneurs and investors rapidly find, analyze, and replicate successful projects?


These examples are only a few of the myriad ways collective intelligence can be applied. More broadly, we hope that the work in this Center will lead to both new scientific understanding in a variety of disciplines and practical advances in many areas of business and society.


MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence brings together faculty from across MIT
to conduct research on how new communications technologies are changing ...
cci.mit.edu/ - Cached - Similar
ResearchPeoplePublications What good does it do to call thingsNEWS and Events
More results from mit.edu »


  1. The Collective Intelligence Genome - The Magazine - MIT Sloan ...

    Apr 1, 2010 ... In our work at MIT's Center for Collective Intelligence,
    we have gathered nearly 250 examples of web-enabled collective intelligence. ...
    sloanreview.mit.edu/the.../the-collective-intelligence-genome/ - Cached
  2. Main Page - Handbook of Collective Intelligence

    The handbook is hosted by the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence,
    but we hope that researchers and others from around the world will contribute to it. ...
    scripts.mit.edu/~cci/HCI/index.php?title=Main_Page - Cached - Similar


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earl [url]
(plural earls) noun
middle-ranking British nobleman: a British nobleman of a rank above a viscount and below a marquess.
The title corresponds to "count" in Europe, and Great Britain and Europe
both use "countess" for a woman's equivalent rank.
[ Old English eorl "warrior, nobleman." Origin ?]
-earl·dom, noun

Microsoft® Encarta® 2008.
© 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



fu·ture [fychər]
1. time to come: time that has yet to come
  • saving money for the future
2. happenings to come: events that have not yet happened
  • The future will be shaped by our advancing technology.
3. expected forthcoming condition: an expected or projected state
  • Her future is bleak.

grammar tense referring to things to come: the tense or form of a verb

used to refer to events that are going to happen or have not yet happened

fu·tures, plural noun
finance commodities traded for later delivery: goods or stocks sold for future delivery, or the contracts for them
1. yet to occur: expected to be or happen at a time still to come
  • my future sister-in-law

grammar of tense expressing future: describes a verb form or tense that

expresses actions or states that are going to happen or have not yet happened

[14th century. Via French < Latin futurus "going to be"]

Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 




meme [meem]

cultural characteristic passed down generations: any characteristic of a culture,

e.g. its language, that can be transmitted from one generation to the next

in a way analogous to the transmission of genetic information

[Late 20th century. < Greek mimēma "something imitated," after gene]

Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



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Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 2:24 pm on Dec 12, 2006

Please use this opportunity to share.

Anonymous said

at 12:25 pm on Jan 14, 2007


Is this the page I come to to creatge comments to the Conference 2007 papers?


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