
Folder-ID: Futures Past ... MNF2019-CEP (MNF-2011)

Return to Anticipatory Thinking Involution -or- New Model for Decision Making


13-Mar-2004 BackcastingSE4P2T MindShifting

Community Impacts Assessment Protocol (CIAP) 

Social Capital Conservancy (7804am) ...



SC: Sustainable Change (StoryChasing)


D: Dissatisfaction

V: Vision of future state or condition

F: F1RST/Next steps to desired state

R: Resistance to change (inertia)


Then: SC = D x V x F > R


“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires,

but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley 


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Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Authors, learn more about your rights.




Sidebar: City of Minnetonka Mayor Bob DeGhetto was Ken's brother ,,,




USS Cimarron Sea Stories


Memes are contagious ideas, all competing for a share of our mind in a kind of Darwinian selection.

As memes evolve, they become better and better at distracting and diverting us

from whatever we'd really like to be doing with our lives.


They are a kind of Drug of the Mind. Confused? Blame it on memes.

meme [meem]



cultural characteristic passed down generations: any characteristic of a culture, 
e.g. its language, that can be transmitted from one generation to the next

in a way analogous to the transmission of genetic information


[Late 20th century. < Greek mimēma "something imitated," after gene]

Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

UNODIR Leadership Lessons

From: CIM-PAO Archives
Remote Name:


Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 11:05 AM Subject: UNODIR Tips on Being a Leader

Via: US Naval Institute's E-Forum Re: http://eforum.usni.org/eforum?14@234.csE0aYxlaxa^5@.ee96ca6/0

I agree with LCDR Bill Hamblet's 7-Sep-2001 observation about "Being a Naval Officer" . . .


>> The most inspiring part of the job is *leading* the many incredible enlisted people and junior officers.

I have watched so many of them *thrive* and accomplish amazing things with just a little direction, encouragement, and guidance.<<

Leadership traits result in empowering and inspiring others when the situation is seasoned with "attitude, aptitude and abilities"

plus a dash of UNODIR (Unless Otherwise Directed) . . .


I got my *most memorable leadership lesson* from a Master Chief Hospital Corpsman (MCHC)
while I was an Ensign in transit via a USAF MAC flight to join USS Cimarron (AO-22) at Subic Bay, PI (in April, 1967)


Over an ice-cold San Miguel beer at off-base quarters near Clarke AFB,

this savvy MCHC convinced me RHIP (Rank Has Its Privileges) hampers leadership!


His advice for more effective leadership

passed the O-1/KISS Test.[Keep It Simple Stupid] . . .


1 - Always listen to your senior petty officers.

2 - TRUST your crew to perform their assigned tasks.

3 - Eliminate "hassles" for crew whenever possible!


My operational experience generated these guidelines:

4 - Adapt or recycle prior "lessons learned"

5 - Be PREPARED for unexpected contingencies!

6 - Become a Master Chief Hassle Eliminator (MCHE)


Updated Anticipatory Thinking Integration (ATI)



The Age of Digital Entanglement by Danny Hillis


On November 19, 2009, a single circuit board inside a computer router in Salt Lake City failed. The glitch cascaded, preventing air traffic control computers nationwide from communicating. Hundreds of flights were canceled. On May 6, 2010, the Dow Jones industrial average inexplicably plummeted almost 1,000 points in minutes, only to mysteriously rise before the day ended. Had the “flash crash” not reversed itself, a global financial meltdown would have ensued.

We humans have linked our destinies with our machines. Our technology has gotten so complex that we no longer can understand it or fully control it. We have entered the Age of Entanglement.


Where citied: VIPanel 


Cumulative Metro-MN guidelines for video-taped panel sessions ...


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