2019-EMSustainableCSRx GameStorming

Folder-ID: Futures Past ... Social Responsibility ...


Return to: Anticipatory Thinking Involution (2006-1x) :: MentorshipART ... MFSemantic Web

ConfidenceBasedLearning ... Creativity ... Critical Thinking ... SOPPADA


Dan McCreary

Semantic Solutions Architect at Syntactica :: http://www.danmccreary.com/ 

Our mission is to be a leader in the strategic adoption of metadata and semantic technologies.

500+ connections

  • partners,
Semantic Solutions Architect


Note: This sample template used the search keyword semantic 

A: To create an annotated index to related topics - where used ...

B: To append the Futurethought [SandBox] "thinkLet" (below)

C: To seek similar pages - social network analysis (3rd derivative)


D: To empower KM Organizational Learning communities of practice

E: To expand sharable social "tagging" among future thought leaders

F: To inspire adaptation of field-tested Futurist Wisdom paradigms ... 


http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/2.5/ca/88x31.png This work is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


HazMat-MTS Implications Wheel

Though adept at finding their way around the virtual world, digital-era

... discussed at a session, "Virtual Worlds, Real Opportunities," during





Story image for wikipedia "futures studies" from Core77.com (blog)

How Can Futures Thinking Amplify Design Thinking?

Core77.com (blog)-Jul 1, 2010

In the field of futures studies, this is called environmental scanning.

It's a strategic approach to acquiring information in order to stay current on ...


Fast Company Draft 4sf.pdf (TCRI-SFont)