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Advocating Eco-Futures CommUNITY-StewardSHIP

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 5 years, 9 months ago Saved with comment

Folder-ID: Social Responsibility ... MSC-SmART-memes ... Stewardship


Return to:  Accelerating Eco-Futures NeuroScape-NaviGation Trends ... 






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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

WatershedMarsha GeoVenturing-LNTrek <burkhartmnus@gmail.com>



Scott may have newer version of his virtual tour by next week-end’s

50th Anniversary Bash (1968-2018) https://www.pinterest.com/pin/347199452495724856/ 


During the 2002 MnSCU iTeach Conference, Scott & I collaborated with MnSCU-D2L Webmaster David Stevens

to co-present our "Blended Visual Learning Futures" Mini-Panel by using same guidelines

we’ve since adapted from KUCE-OLLI's FutureThought Leadership Program ... 




SC: Sustainable Change (StoryChasing)


D: Dissatisfaction

V: Vision of future state or condition

F: F1RST/Next steps to desired state

R: Resistance to change (inertia)


Then: SC = D x V x F > R





OODA loop project management | MBWAround OODA-Loop ...

https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/654147914597032082/The OODA loop (for observe, orient, decide, and act)

is a concept originally applied to the combat operations process, often at the strategic level in military operations.

It is now also often applied to understand commercial operations and learning processes


Bob-RJ Burkhart


EcoTrekUSA EcoFuturist(UI)
AT&T Cell (913-669-3088)


Community social responsibility 

“implications wheel" thinkLets






Adapting Minnesota Futurists (1968-2018) Modern Social Change Theory

(S-T-E-P-S) to HELP empower ... RCISAction "Melting Pot Adhocracies" ...

for Sustainable Wellbeing ThinkLets via Keyword Semantic Requests:

Upper "Mississippi River" Gorge Futures 2020




Comments (2)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 5:10 am on Dec 20, 2018

Layout modified with focus on Social Change Calculus

SC: Sustainable Change (StoryChasing)

D: Dissatisfaction
V: Vision of future state or condition
F: F1RST/Next steps to desired state
R: Resistance to change (inertia)

Then: SC = D x V x F > R

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 5:55 am on Dec 20, 2018

GoogleLens & Pinterest-AIBot=Mindmapping Suggestion ... https://www.pinterest.com/pin/153896512244174526/

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