
MNFrontPage Flyer-1Q2018

Page history last edited by Bob-RJ Burkhart 6 years, 9 months ago Saved with comment


Our pledge as Minnesota Futurists


As a group of strategic/systemic thinkers, planners and lifelong learners, we engage in critical thinking discussions on important early indicators that we foresee as potential future trends.


We empower each other's imaginations to help CoCreate shareable scenarios of what may happen in our future,

what possibly could happen, what probably will happen,

and what we want to make happen or avoid –

thereby proactively creating the future.




Our Mn-Futurists Meetup Group guiding purpose 

is advancing serious and responsible investigation of future scenarios,

without advocating ideologies or engaging in any political activities ...


MISSION – Provide a resilient & sustainable forum for researching, 

discussing and sharing alternative future impacts & implications.


VISION – Collaborate to devise a pragmatic understanding

of sustainable wellbeing alternative futures.


CoCreating & Sharing: Possible / Probable and
Preferable or Avoidable Alt-Futures Awareness

of Community Social Responsibility (CSR) ...


VALUES – Every group participant helps shape their own future by considering:

Social, Technical, Ethical, Political & Sustainable (STEPS).  These perspectives help guide

their community of practice decisions with smARTmemes ... https://goo.gl/iVJhd4  


Weekly Meetings are Saturdays from 9:30-11:30 AM

  Annual Membership is $30. A $3 donation is recommended at each

meeting for coffee and pastries. Guests are welcome. First time guests are free.

MNF RENEWAL February 2018.pdf


Sign up at http://www.Meetup.com for automatic notices of our weekly meetings.

Quarterly 5th Sat-AM Programs may be at another location in Bloomington, MN.

For background about the Minnesota Futurists please visit our Official Web Page at http://www.mnfuturists.org

 At this site, you will find information about tools and methodologies of futures research, plus results of other's research. Our research includes papers and links to websites on specific subjects,

Also posted are regular meetings and Board meeting agendas and minutes.


Knights of Columbus Building - Meeting Room

1114 American Blvd West Bloomington, MN 55420 

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